Preparing Students for Uncontrolled Crossings
Three-part series of workshops
Jolene Troisi, Dona Sauerburger, Cindi Lashinsky, and participants
Thank you for your insights
and ideas!
Victoria Ackerman
Michael Byington
Shelly Ellis
Denise Guitar
Alaisha Johnson
Cindi Lashinsky
Sherri Martinez
Jen McEachen
Claire Rivas
Jenna Rydl
If you'd like to feel more confident when preparing your students for uncontrolled crossings, you're at the right place!
We invite you to join our participants in their adventures
as they figure out when they can rely on our traditional "cross when quiet" and other street-crossing strategies, and how to prepare their students.
Participants share insights and wisdom, sometimes pushing back against a new paradigm that is different from what they had been taught -- a paradigm, based on research, which
has evolved slowly over the last 35 years for dealing with uncontrolled crossings (no more Timing Method for Assessing the Detection of Vehicles!).
You can jump to sections that interest you, using the links posted on the page for each webinar, and recordings can be viewed at whatever speed you want (click on "settings" and choose "playback speed")
or you can read the transcripts.
Meanwhile, we have
- a Study Sheet for each webinar to help you organize your notes;
- checklists and worksheets to use when teaching;
- a quiz to help test your understanding and offer ACVREP credit when you pass
- Resources and contact information on the Resources page.
The workshops all stand alone but we recommend that you take them in order:
- Part 1: "Background and Basics" looks at all the strategies we know for crossing where there is no stop sign or traffic signal, and under what conditions those strategies can be reliable.
Then we look at how to assess situations to be confident that the strategy "cross when quiet / clear" is reliable, and a very thoughtful discussion of addressing risks.
- Part 2: "Teaching and Assessing" is where the participants get to develop and apply skills that we explained in Part 1.
- Part 3: "Maximizing Skills for Listening and Looking" will cover helping students improve their ability to hear approaching vehicles, strategies to scan visually as well as judge when gaps in traffic are long enough to allow time to cross.
This workshop (Part 3) will be recorded Sunday afternoon, January 5, 2025 -- we'd love to have you as a participant!
If you're willing to be engaged and active, ask questions and share your insights and concerns for this recording,
contact me.