You can complete each webinar (Part 1, Part 2, or Part 3) by passing a quiz,
which indicates that you have learned information that can help you teach your students to deal with uncontrolled crossings.
The quiz is designed as a learning tool for you.
If you fail it, you'll get an automatic message on the screen explaining what you need to review before taking it again.
Where can you review what you missed?
The webpage for each workshop has links to sections of the video, so you can click on the link that addresses the area(s) that you need to review.
If you fail the second quiz, AND you demonstrate that you had reviewed the material after failing the first quiz, we would like to go over your answers with you and coach you before you try the quiz for the third time.
We are personally committed to make sure you succeed! We will gladly provide as much help as you need.
We've had people succeed after retaking the quiz 5 times, and then we celebrated their persistence and hard work!
Registering to take the quiz
To take the quiz, contact us and ask for a registration code.
Within 24 hours of your request, you should get an email message with your code and instructions to register and take the quiz.
If you have a spam filter, make sure to allow messages from in advance or the automatic messages for registration and quiz results may not get through.
No deadline to take the quiz! Once you have the code, you can take the quiz whenever you're ready, whether it's as soon as you get the code, or months (or even years!) later.
UNIVERSITY STUDENTS: If you are taking the quiz as part of a university course, your professor has already made arrangements to get you a registration code -- let us know if you don't have it.
Preparing for the quiz
Each of the 10 questions in the quiz covers information that is found in specific sections of the workshop.
In order to pass, you need to answer 8 of the 10 correctly, although
the quiz for Part 1 has two questions about how to recognize Situations of Uncertainty that are considered essential -- in order to pass the quiz, you must answer both essential questions correctly, and answer 6 of the remaining 8 questions correctly.
Feel free to contact us about anything you don't understand about the workshops.
The quiz has no trick questions or trivia, it is intended to test your knowledge.
Taking the quiz
After you have watched one of the workshops (Part 1, 2, OR 3) and you have about 45 minutes without interruption to take the quiz, click here and enter your registration code.
After you submit your answers to the quiz, you'll get an automatic message telling you whether or not you passed it and if not, giving you suggestions or instructions for taking it again.
NOTE: The messages that you get are automatic and do not come directly from us.
In fact, we are not even alerted that you have taken the quiz, and will not be aware of what happened until the next time we log into the program, so we welcome you to contact us if you need anything quickly.
Remember, if you have a spam filter, make sure to allow messages from in advance, or the automatic and follow-up messages may not get through.
If you have any questions, please contact us at or 301-858-0138.
Reviewing questions you missed on the quiz
If you do not pass the quiz, you will get a message on the screen showing the topics of the questions you missed, and suggested areas to review.
The webpage for each part has a list of links to the topics in that workshop, to allow you to jump to the part of the workshop that addresses the area(s) you want to review.
Certificate of Completion
A digital certificate of completion
will be provided upon request after passing the quiz.
If you are taking the Self-Study Guide as part of a university course, your professor will be notified when you have completed it.
CLICK HERE to take the quiz after you have your code.