Section 4: Teaching to determine crossable gaps --
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to determine there is a crossable gap in approaching traffic
Procedure to teach students to judge if there is a crossable gap
After enough practice with feedback, students who have sufficient vision and can see vehicles approaching in the distance can usually learn to judge whether or not they have time to cross before the approaching vehicles arrive (that is, judge whether the vehicles are far and/or slow enough that there is time to cross).
Below is the procedure I use to provide this practice and feedback.
I call the procedure "Determining Gaps in Approaching Traffic"
(I used to call it the "Timing Method for Assessing the Speed and Distance of Vehicles").
Students seem to learn this skill much faster if they have developed an intuitive understanding of their crossing time before the training.
It usually takes only a few minutes to help students develop this intuitive understanding, so the time invested in this is worthwhile.
Determining Gaps in Approaching Traffic (was "TMASD")