___ Were you able to gather enough data (e.g. vehicles heard approaching when quiet)?
- If NO, then this is a Situation of Uncertainty
(you don't know anything about the warning time of approaching vehicles heard when quiet or seen when clear)
- If YES, then continue:
___ was the warning time of any vehicle shorter than the crossing time for that part of the street?
- If YES, then this is a Situation of Uncertainty
(you cannot be confident that the next vehicle will give you enough warning)
- If NO, then continue:
___ Was the range of warning times close to the crossing time?
- If YES, then this is a Situation of Uncertainty
(Since your sample probably didn't include the full range, it is likely there will be vehicles with a warning time that is less than your crossing time).
- If NO, then continue:
___ was the spread of warning times broad?
- If YES, then this is a Situation of Uncertainty
unless there is a very significant difference between crossing time and the shortest warning time.
- If NO, then this is a Situation of Confidence
you can cross when clear or cross during a crossable gap.
__ If this is a Situation of Undertainty, is the risk acceptable?
- If YES, then cross when it seems clear.
- If NO, Do not cross - consider alternatives.