Narration for video "Scanning for Vehicles with Restricted Visual Fields"
The first scenes in this video illustrate how difficult it is to see the vehicles when scanning quickly.
We'll scan to the left and then turn to the right and see what cars we may have missed.
At third scene: "Can you see both cars in this scene, or just the second one - the red one?"
At fourth scene: "This scene shows why it's best to practice seeing only one vehicle at a time There are 3 cars approaching from the left and, with the fast glance, only the first car is in the "blind spot" and we can easily see the other two . If the student misses one car but sees the others, it is hard to debrief the experience."
At fifth scene: "The remaining scenes illustrate how easy it is to see every vehicle when scanning slowly."
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Introduction to Scanning for Approaching Vehicles with Restricted Visual Fields"
Brian is learning to look for approaching vehicles with a small visual field.
He is deaf and we are communicating with signs, so I'm wearing a dark vest over my light-colored jacket so that he can see my signs more clearly.
I have my back to a two-lane street and Brian is facing the street and watching for me to ask him turn to his left and look for vehicles.
The voices that you hear were added later to explain what we are signing.
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