Trip of a lifetime, traveling with a son who speaks Chinese to see the "real" China
Dreams and hopes of a Chinese family
Cultural revolution and forced to live in the country
Soap operas, Chinese-style
Poignant story of Tai Chi master and Cultural Revolution
Tai Chi lesson in historic setting
Night entertainment in a Chinese village
Cultural clash, misunderstandings, and “truth”
Bridesgroom locked out of hotel by his in-laws
Deaf people and blind people in China
Hair-raising trip to the REAL Great Wall
Terra Cotta soldiers
Deaf children at museum
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Back with my son to Asia to visit countries where one of us speaks the language: Thailand (where I had lived 40 years ago), Hong Kong, China and Japan
observation of orientation and mobility lesson for blind students in Thailand
Thai National Forest -- bats, monkeys, snakes, and climbing trees
scary buses, endangered road workers, and a disregard for life in Thailand
International Mobility Conference, and translation issues of presentation
life after Hong Kong was turned over to China
stories of Hong Kong former refugees from China
a government official and his family in Guanzhou, China
crowds and lively streets in Guanzhou, China
youngest Hiroshima survivor guides us through the Peace Garden
research projects in accessibility in Japan
Japanese technology everywhere -- even bus stops and toilets!
Go to Diary from Asia
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For observations of people with disabilities, accessibility features, and designs of intersections and traffic, click here
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