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Teaching at Crossings with No Traffic Signal or Stop Sign

Primary tasks needed for streets with no traffic control:

Teaching the skills and concepts for crossing streets with no traffic control:

This section has suggestions for teaching the skills and concepts which students need in order to complete the tasks of analyzing and crossing streets with no traffic control. Many of these suggestions are illustrated in the Workshop For Teaching to Cross With No Stop Sign or Traffic Signal.

Included among the teaching tools and strategies are the following, each of which is recommended by the Self-Study Guide:

You will find references to each of the above links as you read the suggestions below.

Recognize if there is a Situation of Uncertainty for gap judgment:

Analyze risks and decide if they are acceptable.

Use alternatives if the risks are not acceptable or if less risky options would be preferable.


Barlow, J.M., Bentzen, B.L., Sauerburger, D. & Franck, L. (2010) "Teaching Travel at Complex Intersections," chapter in Wiener, W.R., Welsh, R.L., & Blasch, B.B. Foundations of Orientation and Mobility, Third Edition, Vol. II: Instructional Strategies and Practical Applications. AFB Press, New York, NY

Fitzpatrick, K., Turner, S., Brewer, M., Carlson, P., Ullman, B., Trout, N., Park, E., Whitacre, J., Lalani, N., & Lord, D. (2006) TCRP Report 112/NCHRP Report 562 - Improving pedestrian safety at unsignalized crossings. Transit Cooperative Research Program and National Cooperative Highway Research Program, Washington, D.C.: Transportation Research Board.

Geruschat, D. and Hassan, S. (2005) "Driver Behavior in Yielding to Sighted and Blind Pedestrians at Roundabouts" Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, AFB Press, Vol. 99, No. 5, p. 286-302

Inman, V.W., Davis, G.W., and Sauerburger, D. (2005) Pedestrian Access to Roundabouts: Assessment of Motorist Yielding to Visually Impaired Pedestrians and Potential Treatments to Improve Access. Federal Highway Administration Report DTFH61-02-C-00064

Sauerburger, D (1999). "Rules of the Road" September 1999 Newsletter, Metropolitan Washington Orientation and Mobility Association (WOMA)

Sauerburger, D (2003). "Do Drivers Stop at Unsignalized Intersections for Pedestrians Who are Blind?" Proceedings, conference of Institute of Transportation Engineers, March 25, 2003, Ft. Lauderdale, FL

Self-Study Guide: what next?

If you got this far by following the recommendations of the Self-Study Guide, you're almost ready for some fun reading!

Before you go on, however, be sure that you've read the following, each of which has already been recommended in your readings: If you already read each of the pages listed above, then the next page to read is:

Move next to page 7: Street-Crossings: Analyzing Risks, Developing Strategies, and Making Decisions
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