Directions for commuting between Washington Marriott and Embassy Square hotels
Written in 1998 for attendees of a conference that took place in both hotels
Note: After the general directions, environmental considerations and details are provided for those who wish more information.
General directions --
From Washington Marriott to Embassy Square:
At the front door on 22nd Street, turn right (north) and walk a short block and a half to N Street. Turn right again (east) and walk two blocks (the first block is long and reaches 21st Street; the second block is short and reaches New Hampshire Avenue). Cross New Hampshire Avenue and continue walking east along N Street, looking for the first opening on the right, which is the Embassy Square Hotel (to reach the door, pass the first pillar and turn right).
From Embassy Square to Washington Marriott
At the front door on N Street, turn left (west) and walk to the corner of New Hampshire Avenue. Cross New Hampshire Avenue and continue walking west along N Street two blocks (the first block is short and reaches 21st Street; the second block is long and reaches 22nd Street). Turn left (south) at 22nd Street and walk a short block and a half; the Washington Marriott is on the left.
Details for getting from Washington Marriott entrance to N Street on 22nd Street:
If you walk straight out the front door of the Washington Marriott, you will step onto the carpeted sidewalk and then within a few steps reach the circular drive (there is no curb). On the other side of that circular drive is 22nd Street and its sidewalk, but it is unreachable from the circular drive because of a railing and retaining wall. Therefore, do not go to the circular drive, but instead turn right immediately after you come out the door, and walk on the sidewalk that follows the front of the building. At the corner of the building, you will reach a curb at another driveway (it enters the underground parking lot). Cross the driveway but when you reach the curb at the other side, turn left and follow the curb until it disappears, indicating that you have reached the sidewalk on 22nd Street. Turn right and walk along the sidewalk with 22nd Street on your left. Almost immediately, you will reach Ward Street (which is really just a busy alley). Cross Ward Street and continue along 22nd Street; N Street is a short block ahead of you.
Details for getting from N Street to the Washington Marriott on 22nd Street:
As you walk along 22nd Street from N Street, you will reach Ward Street (a busy alley). After you cross Ward Street, you may inadvertently cross the driveway that enters the underground parking, in which case you will have a railing and a wall on your left, between you and the hotel. To avoid this, walk a few steps forward after crossing Ward Street, then turn about 45 degrees to the left and cross the parking entrance while approaching the building. At the corner of the building, look for the sidewalk on the right side of the front wall. Walk along that sidewalk until you reach the carpeted area in front of the door, and turn left.
Environmental details:
21st Street is four lanes wide (including two parking lanes) with moderately busy traffic going one way south.
22nd Street has very busy traffic going one way north.
New Hampshire Avenue is five lanes wide (including two parking lanes) with very busy two-way traffic going southwest and northeast.
N Street has very busy traffic going one way west.
The intersection of 21st and N Streets has stop signs for all traffic. The streets are perpendicular to each other.
The intersection of New Hampshire Avenue and N Street has a standard traffic signal with ample time for pedestrians to cross without pushing any buttons. The streets are not perpendicular (New Hampshire runs about 30 degrees west of due south).
Each corner has ramps wide enough for one wheelchair. Some do not face straight across the street; in particular the one at N Street to cross New Hampshire from Embassy Square is facing diagonally.
The slopes are gradual and difficult to detect except at 21st Street facing east (toward Embassy Square) and at Ward Street, where the changes in slope are abrupt. However, the gutters at the bottom of the ramps are all noticeable except at New Hampshire Avenue when crossing east to reach Embassy Square, so that it is possible for some people to walk along this ramp into the street without noticing it.
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